Monday, October 17, 2011

New York Day 2 and 3:it smells weird here

New York is one neat busy place. It does smell weird though. We started off the day yesterday and this morning by being shuttled to a strange quick stop by our hotel driver. And let me mention that we are staying in Flushing, Queens, NY, about 20 miles from times square and about a 30 minute subway ride. Flushing is a predominately Chinese/Korean community so the subway ride for about 5 stops is Travis, me, Kyrstan, and Daisy and the rest are chinese people. Travis and I are about 2 ft taller than everyone. Its weird being the minority after living in Woodward, Ok practically my whole life. I have always been scared to ride the subway. Movies make it look much different than it is. People are completely non threatening. Everyone, even old ladies, get on with earbuds in and ipods on and close tneir eyes until their stop. Everyone just wants to get to where theyre going. So we get off and Times Square is beautiful! So shiny and bright....but it still smells weird. I did rock an OSU shirt my first day and got some comments. We went to a giant toys r us with a ferris wheel and a human sized barbie dream house. Travis loved that part! We went to m&m world and each of us got a different colored m&m shirt for a family picture when the baby is born. he gets a yellow m&m onesie! We went to the hersheys store which smelled great! Love the bus tours and hard rock cafe. Today i got my picture taken with Edward Cullen. He was made of wax but i dont care! Planning on going to the statue of liberty tomorrow.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

NYC DAY 1 o' fun

Ok. So it really wasnt fun, considering day 1 was just travel. Somehow i got stuck in a seat where the person in front of me wanted to lay in my lap. Both flights. Uhhhh....excuse me.....but I cant breathe! Not only am I 25 weeks pregnant and already fatter through the stomach, but those extra 10 inches meant the world to me. Now I cant even put my dang useless tray down to hold my much needed Sprite. And the people who were snoozing comfortably in my lap had ugly hair that i had to stare at for 5 hours. So dumb. But we got here and its pretty and my driver drives like a bat out of hockey sticks. And i get to be with my fave person in the world that I havent seen since Monday morning, Travis!

Monday, October 10, 2011

Countdown to new york.

Im so not gonna fit in there. Im gonna be pegged a tourist as soon as i get off the plane. I talk loud, I value the comfort of a boomer t-shirt too much to wear trendy clothes, im not wearing a louis vaton purse, i cant spell louis vaton, and i will have 2 curious, uncultured, slightly noisy, boomer shirt wearin little girls taggin along behind me. But im lookin forward to it. This will be the biggest vacay ive ever been on. Travis is already headed up there and thank God im flying. I will be riding home with him, but our idea of travel is very different from the others. Ya see, i like the word.....relax. Travis likes the word......hurry. I like to eat at restaurants. Travis likes to eat trail mix. I like to stroll, travis likes to burn calories from the trail mix he ate. But most importantly, on a 30 hr drive home, i like to pee at a quick stop. Travis likes to say, "Here, eat more peanuts from the trail mix to absorb the liquid so we can keep on drivin.". 4 more days!!!

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Rummage through the fridge, or create a blog??

When i moved 2 novemebers ago, i thought I'd try a no tv thing. I didnt really think it would work since I was addicted to about 20 shows. Now im just too lazy to call and hook it back up. So we got ipads instead last year and sitting on the couch facebooking, playing games, and reading wasnt entertainment enough i guess, so im starting this little bloggy poo. Will for the most part probably bore you to death but i thought if anything i could give ya some real solid cooking advice. Haha. I will save that for another rainy day!